Incorrect Reference of the this

The "this" keyword in JavaScript is a powerful feature but can often lead to confusion, especially when it behaves in ways that are not immediately intuitive. The value of "this" is determined by the context in which a function is executed, and not necessarily by where it was defined. Understanding how "this" works and how to handle its scope correctly is essential to avoid common issues. In this blog, we will explore what the "this" keyword represents, common mistakes, and how to solve them.
What is the "this" Keyword?
In JavaScript, "this" refers to the object that is currently executing the code. Its value depends on how the function it is in was called. Unlike many other languages, where "this" always refers to the current instance of a class, JavaScript's "this" is more dynamic.
Global context: When used in the global context, "this" refers to the global object (window in browsers).
Function context: Inside a regular function, "this" usually refers to the global object in non-strict mode or undefined in strict mode.
Object context: When a method is called as a property of an object, "this" refers to the object.
Constructor context: In a constructor function, "this" refers to the newly created object.
Understanding the various contexts where "this" behaves differently can help prevent common mistakes.
Common Problems with Incorrect "this" Reference
1. Losing "this" in Callbacks
One of the most common issues is losing the reference to "this" when passing a method as a callback function. In such cases, "this" can unexpectedly become undefined or refer to the global object instead of the intended object.
let user = {
name: "Alice",
greet: function() {
console.log("Hello, " +;
setTimeout(user.greet, 1000); // Output: Hello, undefined
In this example, when 'user.greet'Â is passed as a callback to 'setTimeout', the reference to "this" is lost because it is invoked in the global context.
To preserve the correct reference to "this," you can 'bind' the function to the correct object using the bind method or use an arrow function, which does not have its own "this" and instead uses the "this" from its surrounding scope.
setTimeout(user.greet.bind(user), 1000); // Output: Hello, Alice
setTimeout(() => user.greet(), 1000); // Output: Hello, Alice
2. Incorrect "this" in Event Handlers
When event handlers are attached to DOM elements, "this" typically refers to the element that triggered the event. However, when using a method that relies on "this" inside the handler, you may lose the reference to the object, leading to unexpected behavior.
let user = {
name: "Bob",
greet: function() {
console.log("Hello, " +;
document.getElementById("button").addEventListener("click", user.greet); // Output: Hello, undefined
In this case, "this" inside 'user.greet'Â refers to the button element, not the 'user'Â object, which leads to an undefined output.
Use 'bind'Â to ensure the correct reference to "this" is maintained.
document.getElementById("button").addEventListener("click", user.greet.bind(user)); // Output: Hello, Bob
Alternatively, you can use an arrow function:
document.getElementById("button").addEventListener("click", () => user.greet()); // Output: Hello, Bob
3. "this" in Constructor Functions
Constructor functions are intended to be used with the new keyword to create instances of objects. If you forget to use new, "this" will not refer to the new object but rather to the global object (or undefined in strict mode), leading to incorrect behavior.
function User(name) { = name;
let user = User("Charlie"); // Forgot to use new
console.log(user); // Output: undefined
console.log(; // Output: Charlie (in browsers)
In this example, since 'new'Â was not used, "this" refers to the global object, and 'name'Â gets attached to the global object instead of the intended 'user'Â object.
Always remember to use the 'new'Â keyword when calling constructor functions.
let user = new User("Charlie");
console.log(; // Output: Charlie
To prevent this mistake, you can also add a check inside the constructor function:
function User(name) {
if (!(this instanceof User)) {
throw new Error("User constructor must be called with new");
} = name;
4. "this" in Arrow Functions
Arrow functions behave differently from regular functions when it comes to "this." They do not have their own "this" context; instead, they inherit "this" from their surrounding lexical context. This can be both useful and a source of confusion when you expect "this" to behave like it does in a regular function.
let user = {
name: "Dave",
greet: () => {
console.log("Hello, " +;
user.greet(); // Output: Hello, undefined
In this example, because 'greet'Â is an arrow function, "this" does not refer to the 'user'Â object. Instead, it refers to the global context, leading to an undefined output.
Use regular functions for methods that require "this" to refer to the object they are called on.
let user = {
name: "Dave",
greet: function() {
console.log("Hello, " +;
user.greet(); // Output: Hello, Dave
5. "this" in Methods Passed as Callbacks
When methods are passed as callbacks to other functions, "this" can change, leading to incorrect references. This commonly happens when working with array methods like 'forEach'Â or 'map'.
let user = {
name: "Eve",
hobbies: ["reading", "coding"],
printHobbies: function() {
this.hobbies.forEach(function(hobby) {
console.log( + " likes " + hobby);
user.printHobbies(); // Output: undefined likes reading, undefined likes coding
In this example, inside the 'forEach'Â callback, "this" no longer refers to the 'user'Â object, resulting in an incorrect reference.
Use an arrow function inside forEach, or bind "this" to the callback.
user.printHobbies = function() {
this.hobbies.forEach(hobby => {
console.log( + " likes " + hobby);
user.printHobbies(); // Output: Eve likes reading, Eve likes coding
user.printHobbies = function() {
this.hobbies.forEach(function(hobby) {
console.log( + " likes " + hobby);
user.printHobbies(); // Output: Eve likes reading, Eve likes coding